Tuesday, August 18, 2015

DMV Development... Hine School

If you've been to Eastern Market this summer, you've probably noticed changes at 7th and Penn. Ave, SE. For starters, many of the vendors who conducted business in the parking lot next to the former Hine Junior High School, now line 7th street on weekends. They currently extend from the actual Eastern Market building south to Pennsylvania Ave.

7th & Penn., Ave., SE

Mayor Muriel Bowser officially broke ground on the Hine School project last month. The seven story building will include 180,000 square feet for office space, 60,000 square feet for retail space and 162 residential apartments. There will also be two underground levels dedicated to 362 parking spaces. Check out the the early demolition clip above.

7th & Penn.Ave, SE

Click below to take a quick look at the progress since August 2015: